Local guarantee (ELC)

Our Eligibility in the Local Context (ELC) program recognizes your individual accomplishments in light of the opportunities offered by your particular high school.

What is ELC?

The ELC program ensures that academically talented and deserving California resident students from all over the state have the opportunity to join us at UC.

ELC status adds value to the application and is one of the factors considered when applications are reviewed. Additionally, ELC students not admitted to any of their campus choices are offered a spot at a UC campus that has space, if minimum UC requirements are met.

How do I qualify?

If you are a California resident and rank in the top 9 percent of students in your California high school class — and your high school participates in our ELC program — you may be eligible for ELC designation.

We will identify the top 9 percent of students based on your GPA in UC-approved coursework completed in the 10th and 11th grades. To be considered for ELC, you must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 and complete the following A-G courses prior to your senior year:


1 year


2 years


2 years


1 year

Language other than English

1 year

Other A-G courses
(chosen from the subjects listed above or another course approved by the university)

4 years

After you enter your coursework and grades in the UC application, we'll compare your GPA to the historic, or benchmark, GPA for your school. If you meet or exceed that GPA, you'll be designated ELC and we'll add a note to your application.

When will I find out if I'm designated ELC?

As an applicant from California, your application will be automatically screened for ELC eligibility when you apply. There’s no extra paperwork.

After submitting the application, you can log back into your application to see whether or not you’ve been designated as being in the top 9 percent of your class by selecting the “View how your application is reviewed” link.